Gofal Croen ar gyfer Dynion Du.
Mae'r pecyn hwn yn cynnwys yr holl gynhyrchion sydd eu hangen arnoch i gwblhau trefn gofal croen lawn. Y cynhyrchion y byddwch yn eu derbyn fydd: Puro Golchi Wyneb Barf maethlon a Barf Olew Croen Lleithydd Hybu Croen * Nid yw'r pecyn yn cynnwys y prysgwydd wyneb glanhau dwfn.
Ymwadiad: 1833 Mae croen ar gyfer pob math o groen. Bydd pob math o groen yn ymateb yn wahanol i'r cynhyrchion. Mae'r ystod gofal croen hwn yn ystod anfeddygol ac nid yw'n gwella problemau croen meddygol.
1833 CROEN | Pecyn Hanfodol
All the return requests must be made within the 14 days following the delivery of your order. The product must not be opened or used. The product will be entirely refunded as soon as we receive it. The shipping cost will not be refunded. Send us an email at orders@1833skin.com and we will take care of your return. For more information on Returns & Shipping, please see our policy.
1833 SKIN products are for all skin types. Every skin type will react differently to the products. This skincare range is non-medical and does not cure medical skin problems.